1、My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for your trust and mindful of the sacrifices made by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his contribution to the country, and also for his generosity and cooperation in the whole process of the transfer of power. Fellow citizens,
2、These are indicators of the crisis, with data and statistics. Less measurable but equally profound, our confidence has been weakened across the country-a lingering fear that the decline of the United States is inevitable and the next generation must lower its sights. Today, I want to tell you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious. There are many of them. They will not be satisfied easily or in a short time. But you know, America, they will be satisfied. These data and statistics are the characteristics of the crisis.
3、This is our journey today. We are still the most prosperous and powerful country on earth. The productivity of our workers is not lower than at the beginning of the crisis. Compared with last week, last month or last year, our minds are equally creative, and our goods and services are equally needed. Our ability has not diminished. But the time has passed when we stuck to the rules, protected narrow interests and postponed unpleasant decisions. Starting today, we must pull ourselves together, dust ourselves off and start the work of remaking America again. This is the journey we are still continuing today.
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